St. Moritz Food Notes* Pier34, a restaurant with beautiful views around the lake


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Recommendation level ★★★★★ (comfortable and delicious)



Price $700-900 TWD/person (20-25 CHF)

Address: Via Grevas 34, 7500 St. Moritz

This restaurant is right next to Lake St. Moritzersee. When dining here, you can enjoy the view of the lake, watch people walking and sailing, and feel very relaxed.

The restaurant has outdoor and indoor dining areas. You can go in and find a seat and sit down. If the weather is good, the outdoor area can be used to enjoy the breeze and sunbathe, which is very popular.

There is a QR Code on the table, so you can scan it and order directly.


Cappuccino(5.5 CHF)    

The cappuccino is delicious and comes with a small snack on the side. It is a traditional Swiss snack called Meiringen. It is made with whipped egg whites and granulated sugar, and is similar to a hard version of marshmallows.

Pizzoccheri (18CHF)

I saw a lot of people ordering this dish on Google Maps and wanted to try it out if I haven’t tried it yet. It is actually a special pasta from northern Italy. Maybe you have the opportunity to eat it because St. Moritz is very close to Italy. Its sauce is very special, made from stewed potatoes, cream, and cabbage. Yes, I think the sauce is very delicious. What’s even more special is that its noodles are made of buckwheat flour, which tastes very different from pasta made from wheat. The noodles are drier and harder than ordinary pasta. The pasta tastes heavier (much like undercooked pasta) and you get a lot of buckwheat fiber.

(Buckwheat fiber) There is a lot of dregs when you bite it. It has a very strange texture. It is not bad for early adopters, but it still tastes better than ordinary pasta.


Apple Pie Apfelstrudel (15.5CHF)

The apple pie is freshly made, with plenty of apple slices inside and seasoned with cinnamon powder. The outside is super rich custard sauce and whipped cream. It is a perfect dessert combination that is both refreshing and greasy.

Flammkuchen pizza (17CHF) 

We ordered the simplest tomato cheese flavor, but it was much more delicious than we expected. The crust was very thin and crispy, but not too cookie-like in texture, and the center was still a little chewy. If you like it, For thin crust pizza lovers, this pizza is highly recommended


When checking out, you can just click and pay with your mobile phone. It is very convenient. You can eat the whole meal without bothering the waiter at all🤣 Because St. Moritz is a very small town, and most of the restaurants are around the lake. There are not many choices, but this one is pretty good. If you have the chance, you can try it.

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