Singapore Food Notes*Must-buy souvenir BENGAWAN SOLO colorful chiffon cake


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Recommendation level ★★★★★



Price $230-700 TWD/person (10-30 SGD)

This BENGAWAN SOLO is the number one must-buy souvenir shop in Singapore! There are so many branches in Singapore that we can’t even count them~

新加坡食記*BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​   

There are even ones at the airport (before departure at Terminal 3). Those who don’t want to carry them all the way can consider buying them at the last stop.

新加坡食記*BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​  

The most famous one is this ~ their colorful chiffon cake. Variegated leaves are a very common seasoning spice in Southeast Asia. I like their original chiffon cake the best. You can taste the special and faint scent of grass leaves, which is very good. Eat👍🏻but they are all packed in plastic bags like this, which is easy to crush

新加坡食記*必買伴手禮BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​  

The packaging of four packs is also very cool 😂

新加坡食記*BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​  

There are also sold in whole pieces (it should be 8 inches in size by visual inspection), and the packaging is nice and suitable for gift giving.

新加坡食記*必買伴手禮BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​  

There are also cheese-flavored ones with a layer of cream inside and small cheese sticks added to give it a more layered texture and taste. If you don’t like colorful flavors, there are also chocolate-flavored ones to choose from.

 新加坡食記*BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕

In addition, they also sell many different Malay cakes, Nyonya cakes, and authentic biscuits...all suitable for taking home as gifts to relatives and friends.

新加坡食記*必買伴手禮BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​  

新加坡食記*必買伴手禮BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​  

I don’t know any pastries~ They are colorful and look delicious😆

新加坡食記*必買伴手禮BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕

I ate one of them (the colorful one in the upper left corner). It tasted a bit like Taiwanese rice cakes. The QQ one had a coconut flavor and was very Southeast Asian.

新加坡食記*必買伴手禮BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕​  

新加坡食記*必買伴手禮BENGAWAN SOLO斑斕戚風蛋糕

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