Unboxing in Singapore supermarkets* Recommended special snacks and souvenirs

​​​​​​​1,Laksa Salad Noodles (12.75 SDG/bag)

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(Bring home authentic laksa)

This is a must-buy!! Laksa is a specialty of Singapore. There are various kinds of instant laksa noodles in supermarkets, the most famous of which is the brand "Yum Chu". In addition to the taste of laksa, There are also different flavors such as curry chicken, chili crab, etc. Although they are called instant noodles, they have to be cooked before they are cooked. A four-pack costs almost NT$300, which is not cheap, but it is very delicious. Instant noodles! (PS. Chicken flavor cannot be brought back to Taiwan~)


2,Salted egg fish skin/salted egg potato slices (9.23 SGD/pack)

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★☆☆(very famous but I don’t like it)

Salted egg snacks are very unique in Singapore, but I just don’t like them~ Especially the taste of salted egg fish skin tastes artificial and very oily. I don’t know why it is so red XD. Potato chips are better, but the point is that they are very expensive! It is 2-3 times more expensive than ordinary potato chips, but because it is so famous, I feel like I missed something if I didn’t write it down XD. I suggest you try the taste yourself before considering whether to give it to relatives and friends.



3.Cauliflower Cookies (5.05 SGD/pack)

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★☆(very special snack)

This is the first time I saw biscuits made with cauliflower. The package said they were made with real broccoli. I originally thought they were dried cauliflower and then seasoned.


When I opened it, it looked like this on the inside



4.Curry potato chips (3.15 SGD/pack)

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(Delicious and highly recommended!)

Compared to fish skin potato chips, I recommend this curry-flavored potato chips!! Very curry~ and it is a heavy-flavored Indian curry


Inside are thicker wavy potato slices, which taste very good, are not oily, and have a slightly spicy aftertaste. They are delicious~ and they are cheap. Highly recommend!


5.Various kaya sauces

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(Great choice for breakfast jam!)

Kaya jam is also very rare in Taiwan. There are many different flavors and brands in supermarkets. It is very suitable to be brought back to Taiwan and used as jam for breakfast.


In addition to supermarkets, there are many stores selling homemade kaya paste, such asYakun’s kaya sauce (click here to read the article)Also highly recommended

6.Various Bak Kut Teh soup bags

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(Mom’s good helper)

Bak Kut Teh is also a must-eat dish in Singapore. The most common ones are white pepper flavor and Chinese medicine flavor. There are many different flavors of Bak Kut Teh bags in supermarkets. Each bag is small and very convenient to carry.


Among them are the most famous Songfa Bak Kut Teh bags. Back in Taiwan, throw the Bak Kut Teh bags into the water, add some pork ribs and garlic (add whatever you want XD), and it will immediately turn into a fragrant pot of soup (hot pot). XD?), it tastes so good, it really takes me back to Singapore in a second~~


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Will continue to update unboxing

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