Munich Review*Pig Knuckles in Ratskeller Town Hall Cellar

Ratskeller München

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Recommended level ★★★★☆ (the food is delicious and the waiter is nice)

Food ★★★★☆ (Pig knuckles are great and fried fish is not OK)


Price $800-1500 TWD/person

Address: Marienplatz 8, 80331 München

There are tens of thousands of restaurants in Munich that sell German pork knuckles. After eating at the Hofbräu last time, come to another "Century Cellar Pig Knuckles Restaurant" this time

*For the Royal Brasserie article, click here→


This restaurant is located at Marienplatz station, just outside the station, just under the puppet clock in the New Town Hall, the traffic is very convenient, you can stop by to watch the puppet timekeeping after eating


The cellar that goes down, many restaurants in Europe are popular to open underground



There are a lot of seats inside, and the crowds are much less compared to the Hofbräuhaus!

This is a quieter dining environment




The menu has English and pictures, which is great! !

There is also a picture next to it to indicate what kind of meat it is





sauce on the table


Lowenbrau lager (0.5L €5.7)

The taste of beer is not heavy, very refreshing, very suitable for pig's knuckles

Lowenbrau Radler (0.5L €5.7)

It is lager beer mixed with lemonade, with a slight lemon flavor, very suitable for girls


Pork knuckle-Schweinshaxe signature fried pork feet (€22)

Very ~ big ~ only, the skin is very crispy! The inside is so tender! It tastes a little less salty than the Hofbräuhaus, the Hofbräuhaus is really salty~

German-style pig’s knuckles are often attached with two balls, which are potato starch (potato dumplings). The potato dumplings eaten in the royal family are better than Q, and the taste here has a strange taste of Q or Q ( hard to describe)


Roast pork-Schweinebraten (€19.5)

I want to order something different from the roasted pig’s feet. It tastes like braised pig’s feet. The meat is tender and chewy, and there is no smell of pigs. I still prefer Taiwan’s soy sauce marinated pig’s feet🤣


Veal Schnitzel CordonBleu Ham Steak with Cordon Bleu (€34)

It's not bad, it's quite juicy inside, and there's silky cheese

Eat it together, and squeeze a little lemon juice to enhance the taste, it's delicious

The baked potatoes on the side have a hint of vanilla, and the taste and texture are more layered than French fries


Veal escalope-Wiener Schnitzel steak (€33)

The French fries come with plum jam, but it's a pity that the French fries are not freshly fried

The steak doesn’t taste very juicy, but it’s not dry either. If I had to choose, I would prefer the previous Cordon Bleu ham steak


Fried Cordon Bleu and Steak Fried both pay extra for a small bowl of salad

There are too many carrots in this little salad, I'm not good at it XD


Fried fish fillet-Knusperfischfilet (€23)

The sauce below is bean paste, which is not bad, but the fish has a strong fishy smell. I don’t know why it is like this. Big deductions...

Otherwise, the outer skin would be crispy, the inner juicy, and the fish meat would be very tender, what a pity😔

Caesar salad Caesar anchovies salad (€10)

Caesar salad with anchovies on top, or you can choose not to have anchovies, suitable for 3-4 people to share

The anchovies look pretty raw, I don't dare to try it, but the Caesar salad behaves normally

Eating meat, drinking wine, and serving with salad ~ is praise

The price on the bill does not include the tip, so you have to give it separately~

Overall, both beers are delicious, but I like the pig’s knuckle better than the royal beer house

The other meals are similar, but overall food, CP value (the price of this restaurant is slightly higher), atmosphere (the royal family has live performances is a plus)... I still recommend the Hofbräuhaus

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