Kyoto Food Notes*Superb Japanese-style Japanese-style coffee shop in Miyama Kogashang Village

Saika Cafe & Gallery Saika

(WIFI O Credit Card X)

Recommended level ★★★★★ (double enjoyment of vision and taste)

Address: 〒601-0712 In the exchange hall of Beiyangshi かやぶきのSato Kita Village, Miyama Town, Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture

After visiting Amanohashidate, one of Japan's three major scenic spots, then come to Miyama

Meishan has the reputation of Kyoto's small gasshang village


The area here is quite small, and it is covered with a thick layer of thatch like the roof of Gasshang Village.


Smoky scenery

Because it is with a group, only one hour is reserved for the itinerary to go shopping here

Originally, I thought it was just a trip to look at characteristic buildings and buy souvenirs. There should be enough time, but after walking around, I saw this coffee shop "Ayaka", and I was immediately attracted by its name and appearance.


Looks very Japanese

At first, I was hesitant to use it internally, because it was only an hour, and I couldn’t visit the whole village if I used it internally, but then I decided to sit down and enjoy the leisurely afternoon

The result is really worth it~ There is a feeling of "Ah! Fortunately, I walked in" and feel lucky


The entrance of the store is simple and clean, and a pot of flowers is carefully placed. I admire this kind of store that pays attention to small details.

There is also a takeaway menu


There are some souvenirs such as postcards, magnets, etc. for sale in the store


Small steps for taking off shoes


There are only four tables inside, all with tatami seats

There is also a small heater, which makes it warm and comfortable when you walk in from the cold outside


My favorite is the seat by the window, the floral carpet, the wooden framed panes, the scenery of the thatched cottage outside the window, and the strong sense of Japanese style

There is an electric blanket under the table, and the whole body is buried in it, which is super warm~

No wonder Maruko likes to nest in the living room table so much😆


internal menu


This corner is really beautiful, I took more than 20 photos from this angle🤣


I ordered the きび工坊のお団子セット set meal (700 yen)

The presentation is so beautiful~

There are three-color dumplings, red bean paste, baked rice cake slices, fresh cream coffee jelly, black bean tea

I usually like to eat three-color dumplings (especially the green wormwood flavor). The dumplings here are not as QQ as those usually sold in convenience stores. They feel more natural, not too sweet, and delicious.

Baked rice cake slices are amazing, it tastes very similar to senbei, I think it is better than senbei because it is harder (biscuits need to be hard enough to be delicious)

Black bean tea is completely sugar-free, it tastes good to drink a cup of hot tea after eating sweet


Fresh cream coffee jelly, although he said it was whipped cream, but it tasted like ice cream to me~

It is made with local milk in Meishan, very rich and delicious

(Japanese ice cream is delicious!)

Eat it with the coffee jelly on the lower layer, it goes very well

It is highly recommended to order this set meal, you can eat many different Japanese traditional desserts at one time


Also ordered hot chocolate (500 yen)

It's just ordinary chocolate. After drinking it, the body will warm up.


Today it cost 1200 yen, the dining environment is beautiful and the food is delicious

If I didn’t walk in today, I will definitely regret it haha, I sincerely recommend internal use to feel good

If it snows, all the houses will be covered with snow, it will be more beautiful! !

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