2023 Ayuttaya World Heritage Fair

Ayuttaya World Heritage Fair

As for the annual Ayuttaya World Heritage Fair, there is almost no information about this year on the Internet. No matter how I look for it, I can only find information on this FB (it feels like official information), and it is all in Thai. It’s really It was extremely painful, everything started under unknown circumstances. I quickly shared the on-site conditions on December 15, the first day of the opening of this year, for your reference~ (Not professional, just sharing🤣)

Date: 2023/12/15-12/24

Time: 16:00-23:00 every day (also traffic control time)

Venue: Starting from Phra Sri Sanphet to the east and ending at the entire area between Mahathat Temple

Time required: The whole tour takes about 3-4 hours (there are a lot of people)

Thoughts: Like a super large night market, the Mahathat area is more recommended.

Recommendation: For two-day or one-day tours in Ayutthaya, it is recommended to charter a car and depart in the morning (it takes about an hour to depart from Bangkok city). All the vendors conduct cash transactions, and there is no legendary place to exchange ancient coins. I only saw elephants appearing on the road for a while

Reminder: There is no shelter in the whole area, and it is very hot in the afternoon!! It gets cooler from about 6 o'clock, so be sure to prepare water to avoid heat stroke

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

The area marked with red lines is a controlled area. No motorcycles or cars are allowed to enter, and you can only walk on foot (but there are some places where you can take tuk-tuks and motorcycles, but the cost is quite high)

 2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​ 

Starting from Phra Sri Sanphet, going right to Mahathat Temple, the entire area in Rama Park in the middle is a venue, which is very large.

 2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

Enter from Phra Sri Sanphet Temple, the road is closed from 16:00-23:00

 2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Although the venue is very large, the main venue seems to be at Phra Sri Sanphet. There are many stages, various performances, and a lot of people.

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

The venue is beautifully decorated 

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

Start from phra sri sanphet and walk down along Pa Thon Rd, then go to the right. Along the way, there are various vendors stretching for thousands of miles, including food, drink, entertainment and useful products. , it is basically a super large night market, and the items sold are similar to those in the night market, but there are no shops in this area where you can sit and use them.

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri 

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Fried insects! ! ! 😖

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Fried scorpions and centipedes⋯

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

You rarely see this at night markets. It is fried squid and squid eggs, dipped in Thai chutney, which is quite delicious.

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

The hot blood clams are still alive and kicking (the tongue keeps sticking out) and they are very fresh.

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Magical flatbread (similar to the ones in Lukang🤣)

 2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

There was a huge power outage in the entire area for about half an hour, and the photos were extremely dark🤣

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​ 

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

There are really many food vendors 

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

A street vendor selling small items, but it is also very common

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

There is also a playground

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

There is also a haunted house, which is quite special. People who enter scream loudly 😂 (You mean playing a haunted house in such a sacred place?)

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​ 

There is even a cute animal area😢

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

Let me introduce the toilets~ If you want to go to the toilet while shopping, there are many kinds of toilets (all seem to be private), all of which require a fee. The price is about 5-10 baht, but the quality is very uncertain😅 (almost all are dirty)

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

The first one I went to (5 baht) was a toilet in an ordinary house. It was very traditional. I thought that the paid toilets would be slightly maintained, but when I opened the door, the floor was completely wet and the smell was very strong. The key point is to follow the ancient method of scooping out water and flushing it yourself😣I’m almost scared to death  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

The second one is the car toilet (10 baht). Generally, I refuse to use this kind of toilet in Taiwan, but when I have no choice, I can only make do with it.

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

But when I walked in and saw a normal toilet that flushed automatically, I was so happy. Although it wasn’t very clean, I was really touched, hahaha (no comparison is harmless). If you have toilet mysophobia, you must choose carefully. ! ! !2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Then keep walking 

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Finally we reached the roundabout where Pa Thon Rd and Chikun Alley meet. There was no place to rest along the road. Many people sat along the roundabout to eat and rest. I was so tired.

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

There are also guided buses (I don’t know the route and fares) 

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Tuk-tuks and motorcycles are available here (the circle where Pa Thon Rd and Chikun Alley meet).  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Continue walking up Chikun Alley from the roundabout to Wat Mahathat (maha that). There are endless furniture stores along the road. It’s really wonderful.  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

We walked to Wat Rajapurana (main pagoda) next to Wat Mahathat. It looks more beautiful at night after lighting up the lights than in the morning.  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

Rajapurana Temple (main tower) can also be entered at night

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

I like Wat Mahathat very much. In addition to the night market (which also sells food, but much less in comparison), there is also a very comfortable area that combines the characteristics of historical sites.   2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri​  

2023大城世界遺產節Ayuttaya World Heri

This place is much more unique than the entire night market just now🤣 It will not be crowded, and there are people singing live. You can also choose various seats to sit on the floor. It is highly recommended to stay here for a longer time.

Above~End of unprofessional unboxing

Please correct me if there are any mistakes. I’m about to have a heat stroke. Thank you.

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