Unboxing in Vietnamese supermarkets* There are so many delicious and cheap treasures in the supermarket!

There are many kinds of supermarkets in Vietnam. I have never seen many things. I buy them with the intention of digging for treasures, but I am also looking forward to it but afraid of being hurt>///

(The ones that are limited are only sold in supermarkets of specific brands)

1,Various bird's nests 

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(High CP value but varying advantages and disadvantages)

Vietnam's bird's nests are well-known for their good quality and high CP value, but I didn't expect that you can see so many different brands of bird's nests even in supermarkets, and the price gap is also huge. A bottle ranges from NT$5 to NT$100. There is also Brands, which is common in Taiwan... I bought some at random, but they really taste different than buying more. Some are quite delicious, and some are just terrible XD




I personally think that in principle, glass bottles taste better, so don’t buy those in aluminum cans. The bird's nests in the three aluminum cans in the middle of the picture are relatively small and very finely chopped, and some of them contain sugar substitutes, which is totally unacceptable 😱~ But the ones on the far right are delicious, or you can buy them. The one for children (far left) tastes more natural. The disadvantage is that the glass jar is very heavy XD


GREEN BIRD is a brand that has collagen and cordyceps flavors. I prefer collagen.


When it comes out, it looks like this. The bird's nest is considered a large piece. It's not very sweet and doesn't have a strange taste.

All in all, the bird's nests on the shelves are really diverse and hundreds of kinds ~ but they are much cheaper than those in Taiwan, and they are very decent as souvenirs. They are very suitable to take back to your mother and wife👍🏻

2,MAYORA coffee joy coffee crepes 

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(Smell of coffee, sip after sip)

The first time I saw the cappuccino photo on this package, I was attracted to it. 


When you open it, there is a complete package inside! There are no cut corners at all. It’s very practical.

The biscuits are thin and crispy. Although there is powdered sugar sprinkled on top, the overall taste is not too sweet. Instead, the coffee aroma is super strong~ I really ate this whole bag while watching TV at home. The package is highly recommended ~ and such a large package is only NT$24! So surprised ~ I will definitely carry 10 bags back to Taiwan if I go there again🤣

3.Various kinds of soaked rice noodles 

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(Not healthy but really good~good~eat~ah~)

Generally, when you go to supermarkets in various countries, you will definitely buy instant noodles, but the most famous one in Vietnam is Pho. Even instant noodles have Pho noodles. There are also many different flavors of Pho noodles on the shelves. If you buy two packs of them, it will be the same. very delicious! It’s as delicious as freshly made in a restaurant (then why go to a restaurant to eat it?)



The point is that each pack costs NT$10-15, which is too cheap! Highly recommend soaking rice noodles and bringing them back to Taiwan to stock up on food

4.Various coffee powder and coffee beans 

Souvenir recommendation index ★★★★★(I feel sorry for my relatives and friends if I don’t buy Vietnamese coffee!)

Vietnam’s coffee is also very famous in the world. There are countless coffee choices in supermarkets. Whether it is coffee beans, coffee powder, filter coffee, three-in-one instant coffee... you will definitely have to stand in front for a long time to choose. Decide!


Among them, Trung Nguyen Legend is the largest brand.


This G7 three-in-one coffee powder is their most famous product. It is cheap and has a very strong coffee aroma when brewed. However, I prefer to go to their store to buy their most classic beans. It has a really natural aroma. , and very delicious (see this article about Zhongyuan Coffee →https://huantabibito.com/%e8%83%a1%e5%bf%97%e6%98%8e%e5%b8%82%e9%a3%9f%e8%a8%98%ef%bc%8a%e7%a5%9e%e4%b9%8b%e5%a5%bd%e5%96%9d%e5%82%b3%e5%a5%87%e5%92%96%e5%95%a1-%e4%b8%ad%e5%8e%9f%e5%92%96%e5%95%a1%e5%ba%97trung-nguyen-cafe-l/)

I have friends and family who love coffee, so I definitely want to buy coffee back. There are so many choices and the quality is so good, it’s really great!

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Will continue to update the unboxing


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