Zurich Food Notes*Raclette Factory, a cheese specialty store

Raclette Factory

(WIFI X Credit CardO) 

Recommendation level ★★★★★ (unique and delicious)



Price $650-850 TWD/person (18-23CHF)

Address: Rindermarkt 1, 8001 Zurich


Raclette means cheese in Chinese. This restaurant is similar to the American chain restaurant Cheese Factory, but this is not a chain. There is only this one in Switzerland, which specializes in selling cheese.


Really anything can be added to the Matterhorn😂

"We serve beer here - the heart is colder than your ex's" I really laughed out loud when I saw this slogan🤣🤣


At the corner of the alley near Zurich Cathedral




There are about 10 seats indoors. It has a simple and clean rural industrial style. Although there is no air conditioning, it is not stuffy and very comfortable. 


There is a hand-painted cheese menu on the wall, which is very cute.

There are set meals and DIY ones. The set meals are prepared with different cheeses, contents, toppings, etc. Each portion is 160g of cheese and comes with pickled onions and pickled melons, but the set meals are all There will be no meat

DIY you can choose two different cheeses (80g each), then choose starch (whole potatoes, bread, or mashed potatoes), and finally choose meat (bacon, ham, or sausage), each Each portion will also be served with pickled onions and pickled melon.



There are simple condiments on the table

Beer Hürlimann lager (5 CHF)  

The beer tastes ordinary, with very little foam, and not very cold. It’s not at all like the sign saying my heart is colder than my ex’s🤣

Swizly Swiss cider 3dl (6.5CHF)

I originally thought it would be a drink like an apple cider, but it tastes slightly sweet and alcoholic, which is not bad and tastes better than beer.


Garlic breadGarlic bread (7.5 CHF)

Freshly roasted, the outer layer is crispy and delicious. Although there are no obvious garlic particles, the garlic flavor is very strong, which is quite similar to Taiwanese. I am very happy to be able to eat this kind of hometown flavor in Switzerland.

Mashed Potatoes (1 CHF)

The extra mashed potato is different from the imagined mashed potato. It still retains the lumpiness of the potato, so it doesn't taste super dense and will naturally melt in the mouth immediately. It has a texture. (I still prefer mashed potatoes that melt in the mouth and have a dense texture), and it is very heavily seasoned with black pepper, which I can’t accept~~Mashed potatoes should be eaten as they are🤣But such a portion only costs 1 Swiss franc. It's very cheap


Heidi 160g (16.9 CHF)

Oh~!! The way the cheese melts is so healing! There are about four small potatoes in a set meal, which is just enough for one person. The cheese tastes very fragrant and rich. It tastes a bit like the baked potatoes in Taiwan’s night markets, but Taiwan’s cheese is more liquid and the cheese sauce is cold. It won't harden even if you drop it. The cheese here is scraped from a large piece of cheese, then heated and grilled until it melts and then poured over the potatoes. So eat it immediately, otherwise it will start to become hard (like the cheese on pizza). If this kind of food becomes separate, Individually, it would be meaningless if they are not integrated together🤣The pickled melons and pickled onions next to them are very satisfying. Although they are all imaginable flavors, the combination is just right👍🏻

Emmental Meringue with double cream (14 CHF)

Meringue is a traditional Swiss dessert made with egg whites. Some are hard and some are soft. This one is hard. In fact, it is similar to Taiwan’s marin candy, but it is not as sweet as Taiwan’s.


There are a lot of gaps inside. It's very light and melts in your mouth when you bite it. It's like a solid version of marshmallow. I was worried that it would be too sweet when I first saw it, but it's actually more delicious than I imagined~


Spread a thick piece of emmental cheese underneath. It’s a combination of salty and sweet. It’s surprisingly delicious.


It’s a very unique restaurant in Switzerland, I recommend everyone to try it~

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