New York Food Notes*Friendly Artichoke PIZZA

Artichoke Basille's PIZZA

 (WIFI X Credit Card O) 

Recommended level ★★★★☆ (delicious but too fat and a bit salty)

Address: 114 10th Ave, New York, NY 10011

This chain of PIZZA stores has locations all over the United States

There are 10 branches in New York alone!

I went to the branch near Chelsea market today


Simple Bistro Seats

The store is very comfortable

It's the World Cup that day

The store's TV is broadcasting~

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Menu & Drink List

The clerk will deliver tableware and provide ice water

There are also seasoning powder, chili granules, and cheese powder on the table

Slices of freshly baked PIZZA in the window~ It’s really healing to see  

Their PIZZA is all on-site stick dough + baking

This kind of pie crust is usually delicious


Artichoke 3 slices ($28.95)

We ordered the signature flavor Artichoke of this store

3 slices in total!! Super~~big

(it was 3 slices!! but we asked him to cut it into 6 slices)

This shop especially emphasizes that their size is bigger than the general PIZZA shop!!

It's not our size in Taiwan at all~~

Just be careful XD

But the clerk will also remind you in due course haha

This is 1/2 piece!!! Extra long~~~

It’s delicious when it’s just baked and hot🥰

The PIZZA here is made of thin slices

The taste is soft and chewy~ you can roll it up and eat

And everyone comes with a plate and a knife and fork

(Sui Sui Nian~ A restaurant tableware is all disposable... America is really not environmentally friendly😓)

There are spinach, cream, onions and mashed potatoes in it? It tastes sweet like onions and has a thick and dense texture~

There is also a very strong cheese flavor

But after eating it was a bit salty + oily


Whole Pie (Margherita+Staten Island) $48.95

In addition, I also ordered four slices of two flavors, each with a total of eight slices~~

really super~~~big

I ate the Margherita flavor, which is moister and softer than the signature just now

Just put it on the table and immediately shovel it on the plate, it has already changed to this soft and squishy appearance XD

Margherita tastes delicious too~

It has the aroma of basil and the sour tomato paste. It is not too greasy to eat, but it still feels quite salty (´◒`). , can't eat the third piece at all

This room is suitable for friends with big stomachs and heavy tastes

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