Bali Food Notes*Tempo Doeloe Indonesian cuisine recommended by locals

Pondok Tempo Doeloe

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Recommendation level ★★★★☆ (authentic food, slightly hot environment)

Food ★★★★☆


Price $200-300 TWD

Address: Jl. Sunset Road No.8, Kuta, Kec. Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361

This restaurant is close to the airport and is a local Indonesian cuisine highly recommended by locals.


Arrive around 4pm

There are already many customers in the store


And almost all of them are locals. There are no tourists, so it feels very authentic~


There are also semi-open-air seats. There is no air conditioning in this restaurant, only the electric fan blows the air. Although it is not stuffy, it is really hot after eating.


There are also live performances of local musical instruments

On the table are simple cutlery, wet wipes (free), drinking water and hand washing water. Because there is a culture of eating with hands in Indonesia, a small basin of water is provided for washing hands, but don’t drink it~



The menu is all in English, so don’t worry ~ NASI means rice, MIE means noodles, and AYAM chicken Try some fish


Everyone will be given a small plate of chili, which is super spicy! Even the locals say it’s spicy, but very fragrant~ It’s very flavorful when mixed with food, but you can only mix one cup at a time🤣

Orange Juice + Coconut Meat ES JERUK KELAPA MUDA (28,000 IDR)

This is freshly squeezed! It is not concentrated and reduced, and it uses oranges from Southeast Asia. It is not sour or too sweet. It has a special fragrance and tastes like drinking too much with coconut meat. The tour guide also said that this cup is very delicious. A local drink, this one is highly recommended! 👍🏻


Stir-fried water spinach TUMIS KANGKUNG (36,000 IDR)

The seasoning is very similar to Taiwanese stir-fried water spinach, just simple garlic and salt, nothing special.

Grilled Chicken Legs AYAM BAKAR PAHA (30,000 IDR)

delicious! It looks dry and hard on the outside, but it's soft, juicy and very tasty on the inside. The aroma of the charcoal grill is very strong and delicious.


Grilled fish GURAME BAKAR (130,000 IDR)

The grilled fish is here~ It looks very hard. At first I thought it would be painful to bite it, but in fact it is moist inside and not dry at all. There is no special seasoning, just the fresh taste of fish, without the earthy taste of fish, it is not bad

Fried Cabbage TUMIS KOL (36,000 IDR)

It’s just fried cabbage, nothing special.



We ordered another kind of seasoned grilled fish. It looked super spicy, but in fact it was not spicy at all. Instead, the sauce had the sweetness of tomatoes. The fish in the seasoning was quite special and it was moist and delicious.


Nasi Goreng Jawa (52,000 IDR)

The fried rice is highly recommended. It is full of steam as soon as it is served. It is very fragrant and has distinct grains. Every bite is very flavorful and delicious! The fried rice itself is quite spicy, and there are a few small green chilies on the side. If it is not spicy enough, you can just eat the chili. But I recommend adding a little extra chili on the small plate, it goes very well with the shrimp cakes on the side. Just pop


Fried tofu TAHU GORENG (18,000 IDR)

The fried tofu here is very different from the ones in Taiwan. It’s firmer and more sour inside, a bit like the sourness of natural fermentation of tofu. It’s very special.



There is oily onion cake inside, and it tastes very familiar to Taiwanese taste. Even though it is called soup, it contains winter noodles. It tastes good but is a little oily.

Fish rice NASI LIWET (45,000 IDR)

This is considered a specialty of this restaurant. A big bowl of white rice comes with a plate of fried larvae. Pour the larvae in and mix well and eat together. I quite like this dish. The taste is bland, but the larvae tastes light. Salty seasoning, very refreshing

After finishing the meal, I felt that although many of the ingredients are common in Taiwan, the seasonings are very different, and there are really many customers at meal time~ You can come and try it. The only thing is that it is very hot without air conditioning😵‍💫

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