German Supermarket Souvenir & Drugstore Unboxing

German Supermarket Souvenir & Drugstore Unboxing

There are many items in German supermarkets that I have never seen in Taiwan, and they look good to buy! But some of them don’t understand what they are, so they just buy them randomly and open the boxes randomly! Ha ha

(The ones that are limited are only sold in supermarkets of specific brands)

1. Pom Bear bell pepper flavor (1.39€)

Recommended  ★★★★★(Delicious and mouth-watering!)


This biscuit is also in the shape of a bear. Germany loves bears so much.


There's a lot in the bag, and it's very sincere.

The inside is hollow, like a small yellow whale Goldfish. The slightly salty taste of the bell pepper is so mouth-watering. I finished it one bite after another without realizing it.

2. Pringles potato chips-ketchup flavor PRINGLES KETCHUP (2.99€)

Recommended  ★★☆☆☆(Very~~salty!!)

I’ve never seen ketchup-flavored Pringles potato chips, it’s very similar to original potato chips with ketchup added.

But it’s really salty! ! ! It's salty enough to cause kidney dialysis. Ordinary potato slices can be eaten one bite at a time. This one will make you want to stop after eating three slices.

If you like super heavy salty food, you can consider it XD

3. Vitamin foaming tablets (0.5€)

DM only

Recommended  ★★★★★(Easy to carry and high CP value)


If you often get colds, you can buy some foaming tablets to supplement your vitamins. They are also sold in Taiwan, but here they only cost 0.50 euros, which is really cheap!

It’s great to buy some to keep at home or as gifts to relatives and friends👍🏻There are various flavors and different ingredients. I would really feel sorry for myself if I don’t buy them.

4. Various maintenance capsules  (0.75€)

DM only

Recommended  ★★★★★(Cheap, convenient and easy to use)

5. Various herbal teas

Recommended  ★★★★★(None of the many caffeine options)


Many tea bags in Taiwan contain caffeine, and there are not many choices of herbal teas without caffeine, and they are quite expensive in Taiwan department stores.

But here there are a variety of flavors and they are cheap, no caffeine, and the packaging is beautiful. A box is 20, and the CP value is super high! It’s very suitable to take home as a gift to girls who love drinking tea but can’t sleep🤣

I bought a box of orange ginger tea. It has a light ginger flavor and is not spicy. After drinking it, my body warmed up and was very comfortable.

6. KLOSTERFRAU cold tea

Recommended  ★★★★★(A must-have at home)

KLOSTERFRAU is a famous German health care brand that claims to be made with natural herbal materials.

I don’t know if medical treatment is very expensive in Europe, but there are many choices for cold-type products.

In addition to foaming tablets and herbal tea, there is also this kind of drink specially for colds, which is a bit like fumao hot drink, but without the ingredients of medicine.

It tastes sour and very comfortable, without any medicinal smell. I had a fever for a few days in Europe. At that time, I drank three cups a day, but later I calmed down. I recommend keeping a few boxes at home~

7. HARIBO gummy bears

Recommended  ★★★☆☆(Very famous but not much cheaper than Taiwan)

Gummy bears are a souvenir that almost all tourists buy.

But in fact, the price is similar to that in Taiwan. I think it is too ordinary. If you like gummy candies, I would recommend another store → Munich Review*Gummy Bears Must-Buy Bears & Friends

But it’s so famous, it’s a good idea to take a pack or two back to distribute!

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